Group Personal Training for Women
If you’re reading this then you are already wanting to change something about yourself.
However, we know that change is not always easy, and with all the demands and pressures of daily life it can be more tempting to reach for the chocolate than the workout mat.
That’s where Boost Your Body (BYB) comes in.
At BYB, we work exclusively with women and offer a genuinely successful six-week Transformation Programme that can change not only how your body looks but also how you feel about yourself.
We also employ empathetic personal trainers to help you keep on track and start to see results in just a few weeks.
Our boutique personal training studios are fully equipped, so all you need to do is turn up in your workout clothes.
And we don’t judge, nor do we care if you are a seasoned gym bunny or haven’t seen the inside of a sports hall since secondary school. All we ask is for you to commit to two sessions per week and to make some simple lifestyle changes that will enhance your energy levels and transform your body.
You can attend our group fitness classes at any of our 3 studios: Beeston or West Bridgford in Nottingham, or Sharrow Vale in Sheffield. Not only are the classes fun but you will also make fast progress, feeling fitter and stronger in just a few weeks.
Typically, our clients who commit to the Programme drop a dress size during the six weeks.
There are no long-term membership fees, hidden charges or migraine-inducing Ts&Cs. The only way we want to raise your blood pressure is in the workouts - not the admin!
Six-week transformation programme
We try to make exercising with us as easy as possible so offer a flexible, online booking system that allows you to create a timetable to suit you, and one that can fit around school holidays, training days - and anything else your work/life balance has to throw at you.
We’re not about lists of bewildering fitness classes to choose from; instead, we prefer to keep things simple - but effective.
So, what are you waiting for?
Join us today for our six-week Transformation Programme and achieve long-term health and fitness success.
And you don’t have to believe us; after all, we’re just a website… take a look here at what some of our amazing ladies have had to say about the Programme.