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Out with the old, in with the new

Our new website is live!

Covid and the numerous lockdowns came with many extremely stressful challenges and one blessing - an opportunity to really sit back and think about where we wanted to take the business.

The easy option would have been to stick with what we had: our West Bridgford and Beeston studios. But the reality is we want to help as many women as possible to achieve a healthier lifestyle. And that meant a strategic decision of committing to opening more studios so we can reach, and help, more women.

Out with the old, in with the new!

Whilst, at the time of writing, we still haven’t fully recovered from the impact Covid has had, that strategic decision led to the opening of our third studio, in Sheffield, to complement our Nottingham studios.

The plan is to open more studios moving forwards.

Attention then soon turned to our website. Frankly, it was showing its age and needed some TLC. It has done its job but it needed refreshing to better reflect our business and community moving forwards.

After several months of work behind the scenes, the result is what you see before you.

As you know, every business is in constant evolution, and we have many ideas on how we can continue to grow and better serve our clients.

The new website is just the first, albeit very important, step.