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An Online Studio Specifically for Women 40 and over

After 10+ years experience working with thousands of women 40 and over at our 3 private studios, helping them achieve sometimes life changing results along the way, we turned our mind to how we could help more women make a positive impact on their health and fitness.

The obvious answer seemed to be to open another studio.

However, after 6 months of trying to find the right premises in the right location and getting nowhere we began to think - what if there was something different we could do.

A way we could help many more women without being tied to a physical location.

But without sacrificing that personal service which is at the core of everything we do.

And so, after quite a bit of umming and ahing we decided to go online.

Online Personal Training

At Home Training

From the outset it was important to us not to be just another low cost, pay your money and take your chances online fitness programme. The market is flooded with those and the success rate for people buying into them is, well let’s just say it isn’t great.

In short, we want to recreate our ‘studio experience’ online.

That’s why our online workouts are live and fully coached, led by qualified Personal Trainers using our unique Sculpt & Tone System to help you tone up and get fitter. We’ll be able to interact, motivate and check your technique every step of the way. It’s just like being in one of our studios!

A huge difference to usual pre recorded or ‘Facebook live’ sessions where you have to follow along with no idea if you’re actually doing it right.

And you don’t need any equipment or loads of space, though if you have some dumbbells gathering dust in the corner you’ll be more than welcome to use them, we’ll be sure to show you how.

We also employ Nutrition & Accountability Coaches (no they aren’t AI…we’re all about real people even with our online programme) who will work with you to achieve your goals so you’ll never feel alone.

They'll be able to answer any questions you have about your nutrition and check in with you twice a week to keep you on the straight and narrow and make sure you're doing what you need to get great results.

We also have live Yoga sessions to help you foster a mind-body connection, reduce stress, and improve your overall well-being.

It’s really important to us that a Client of ours has the same great experience and likelihood of getting results whether they are in person or online.

And yes, we recognise that in this digital age there’s a lot of natural healthy scepticism about online services. It’s ok, we totally understand.

At Home Training

We have a range of options from 21 days to 6 weeks which are suitable for beginners of any age. Here’s what’s involved:

  • Start with our next intake
  • Work with us for 21 days or 6 weeks initially
  • Join unlimited live, fully coached, training sessions (not pre recorded ‘hope I’m doing it right’ videos!).
  • You’ll need to attend 2 x week minimum but you don’t need to be gym bunny by any stretch of the imagination so if it’s been a while since you did PE that’s totally fine.
  • Work with our Nutrition & Accountability Coach to follow a nutrition plan that will help you lose weight and increase your energy levels.

Click ‘APPLY NOW’ to apply for your place on the programme.

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